Yoga 30-Day Challenge: Day 0
the first day of the year 2011, and I was in full swing. sober, well-rested, and raring to go to Ayuh Yoga for a special Yoga workshop for New Years Day.
as with most practices, we all set our intentions for the session.
My Intention: Blessedness for all things in my life. Including the bad.
this special New Years Day practice was set up differently as all the mats were placed in a circle, centered around a circular yoga mat. as the mats created a circle, a 2nd level of mats went in between each one, further set. this gave the feeling of sun rays and was absolutely brilliant. as we all did our salutations, the energy was breathtaking as all our arms lifted up into the sky. i would definitely not mind if all our practices were set up like this!
after an hour of vigourous yoga, we transitioned into a deep meditation. i would not have wanted to spend the first day of such a promising year any other way.
My 2011 Intentions: to shift last years focus of "letting go of the past" to a new focus of "being in the present". to practice deeper gratefulness and patience. to continue progressing. ♥
Tomorrow starts the 30-Day Yoga Challenge. 30 Yoga Practices in 30 Days. Can't wait.
Happy New Year.xo
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